Make sure you include proper units in your answer!

  1. How many positive integers below 100 contain one or more of the digits 3, 5, and 8?





  3. In the number line below, if the length of segment AD is divided into 3 equal parts by points B and C. Where is point B, the point closest to A?

  4. _____________


  5. A taxi ride cost $1.50 for the first half mile and 25 cents for each additional 1/8 of a mile. If Marcus takes a taxi from his house to the airport and pays $8.00, how far is it from his house to the airport?





  7. A broken watch loses 10 minutes per hour. This means that if this watch were set to the correct time at 12 noon, then at 1 o'clock it would read 12:50. If this watch is set to the correct time at noon, in how many hours will it again show the correct time?





  9. Exactly 1/3 of the employees at the Cognition Corporation are union members and exactly 56% are male. If Cognition has between 210 and 240 employees, how many are men?



