
1). (4 points) Find the mean, mode, median, and range of this data set:

1, 9, 6, 0, 0, 4, 9, 2, 2, 9, 1, 8, 14

mean = ______ mode = ______ median = ______ range = ______






2). (4 points) Find the mean, mode, median and range of the lengths of the words in this paragraph. Round the mean to the nearest whole number.     (taken from a Goosebumps book).

Here, I'll get you started:

4 , 6 , 4 ,

mean = ______ mode = ______ median = ______ range = ______

3). (2 points) I have 3 numbers. Two of the numbers are 86 and 94. The mean (average) of the 3 numbers is 97. What is the third number?

Answer: _______